Posts tagged Galim
Mentor Relationships Provide Calm During the COVID-19 Storm

Through this program at Camp Ramah in Northern California, we noticed the barriers between teens and mentors, whether rabbi, cantor, rosh edah, or others, were lessened. Teens realized their mentors cared about them, made themselves available to them, and that they treasured having one-on-one conversations with them – our teens mattered.

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Camp Ramah Up Close and Personal

“One of the highlights of my summers is the chance to visit several Ramah camps and to see, up close, what happens when young people experience Jewish living that is joyful, meaningful, and entwined in all they do. I am proud that JTS not only founded the Ramah Camping Movement, but continues to play an integral role in leading and developing this inspiring program.”  - JTS Chancellor Arnold Eisen

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For Ramah Campers, It’s Time to Play ‘Wheel! Of! Torah!’

Wheel! Of! Torah!” That’s what campers were shouting at Camp Ramah in Northern California, their eyes fixed on the one lucky kid who got to spin the brightly colored rainbow wheel in front of the crowd. Well, it was actually “Galgal! Shel! Torah!” but the energy was the same, as kids last summer got ready for a camp activity that turns analyzing Torah portions into something very much like a game show.

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S’more and S’more Jewish Summer Camps around the Bay

Camp Ramah in Watsonville is offering campers an array of four-week “intensives” this summer: scuba diving, surfing, horseback riding and musical composition. Enrollment was up in 2017, the camp’s second year, and Rabbi Sarah Shulman, the director since Day 1, said she expects it will grow again this summer, drawing third- to 12th-graders mostly from the Bay Area....“It has been a pleasure to be a part of the collaborative and collegial overnight Jewish camp community in Northern California with such supportive partners,” Shulman said.

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