Posts in Staff Leadership Training
“A Breath of Fresh Air”: Ramah College Network Spiritual Resilience Shabbaton

Over the course of our Shabbaton weekend, whose theme was spiritual resilience, each of the 20 participating college-aged students shared a personal reflection about times they drew on spirituality to get through a challenging moment in their lives. Many reflected on post-October 7th campus life and how they’ve relied on community, song, and teaching children as b’nai mitzvah tutors or religious school teachers to cope.

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What Are Your Aspirations for This Summer?

"It is at Ramah this summer where our young adult staff members will find Jewish community, form meaningful and authentic friendships, create safe space for dialogue and listening, and mark Jewish time together. I ask our tzevet (staff) to think about their summer aspirations, and encourage them to be exceptional staff, relationship builders, Jewish role models, learners, and teachers. I tell them, 'When you aspire, you inspire.'” - Reflections from Amy Skopp Cooper, CEO, National Ramah Commission

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“When I go to Poland, I want to go with Ramah.”

A group of 14 young adults, 12 of whom were Ramah alumni, recently spent a week in Poland on Ha’dor Yizkor: A Reshet Ramah Poland Journey. During our week together, we honored the vibrancy of Jewish life that once existed in the country, bore witness to the unfathomable atrocities of the Shoah, grappled with complex questions about Poland’s modern Jewish community, and celebrated our Jewish identities proudly and joyfully through prayer, song, and dance.

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A Time for Healing, A Time for Learning, A Time for Ramah Community

The Bert B. Weinstein Leadership Institute always comes at a time when our college-aged staff members yearn for their Ramah community. But this year, that yearning was even deeper than usual, after the events of October 7th and their impact on college campuses. Weinstein became more than just a mid-year opportunity to be in Ramah community and to learn new skills as madrichim, vocational participants, and rashei edot. It was a weekend filled with Jewish joy, pride, and community.

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Summer Camp as a Catalyst for Thoughtful Experiential Israel Education

Because of Ramah’s investments and partnerships with the Shalom Hartman Institute and others (including The Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization, we anticipate that Ramah camps this summer will be communities where conversation, study and experiences of Israel will be passionate, thoughtful and engaging, with space for productive disagreement. In so doing, we will confidently assert and deepen our core commitment to Israel.

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