Posts tagged Rockies
What Makes Ramah....Ramah

"Although I wish I could spend more time at each camp, I am grateful that each stop affords me the opportunity to talk with campers and staff, express gratitude to my colleagues, and get a glimpse of the Jewish joyfulness that makes Ramah….Ramah." - Reflections from Amy Skopp Cooper, CEO, National Ramah Commission

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This Awesome Jewish Summer Camp Raises Its Own Chickens - And Uses The Eggs For Challah

A funny incident happened a few weeks back that has since become an integral part of my morning ritual. During Shacharit (the morning prayer service) of the staff training week at Ramah in the Rockies, while standing for the Amidah (silent prayer), I caught myself off guard and giggled: I realized I had been praying for the well-being of goats and chickens.

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