Shabbat in Frisco: Backcountry Bayit

Backcountry Bayit (BCB), where youthful Jews — virtually all of them drawn to the mountains by the lure of Colorado’s ski culture — come together to celebrate not only their love of the Rockies but simply being Jewish…The BCB originated organically some four years ago, the brainchild of a group of young Jews from Boulder, and last year came under the funding and management umbrella of the national Ramah organization, affiliated with the Conservative movement, specifically Reshet Ramah, the organization’s alumni network that supports youth engagement projects..

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New and Expanded Tikvah Programs for Campers with Disabilities

This past April, the 112 riders, hikers, and volunteers on the Ramah Israel Bike Ride and Hiking Trip raised more than $540,000 to benefit Ramah Tikvah programs for children, teens, and young adults with disabilities. During summer 2019, a total of 423 individuals will participate in Tikvah-affiliated programs. It is a privilege to share with you this report on this summer's plans for how Ramah camps will be using the Tikvah funds raised on the ride/hike, both 1) programmatically and 2) for the financial support of families with children with disabilities who also have financial constraints.

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SafetyRespectEquity Coalition Awards Over $1.2 Million to Jewish Communal Organizations

More than 120 participants from across all sectors and movements of the Jewish communal world gathered in New York last week for  the second annual Summit of the SafetyRespectEquity Coalition. …Discussions focused on how critically important safety, respect, and equity are to ensuring a vibrant, inclusive future for the Jewish community and at the same time continuing to ground their work in the broader national context. …Additionally, the Coalition has announced a total of more than $1.2 million awarded to 15 grantees working to advance women’s leadership and address sexual harassment and gender inequity in Jewish organizations.

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