Posts tagged Reshet Ramah
Shabbat in Frisco: Backcountry Bayit

Backcountry Bayit (BCB), where youthful Jews — virtually all of them drawn to the mountains by the lure of Colorado’s ski culture — come together to celebrate not only their love of the Rockies but simply being Jewish…The BCB originated organically some four years ago, the brainchild of a group of young Jews from Boulder, and last year came under the funding and management umbrella of the national Ramah organization, affiliated with the Conservative movement, specifically Reshet Ramah, the organization’s alumni network that supports youth engagement projects..

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Young Adult Engagement on University Campuses and in Communities

The Ramah Camping Movement, with generous foundation support, has launched numerous new programs that engage hundreds of college students on campus, in their local Jewish communities, and in new Ramah training programs. This investment is helping to create a strong Jewish leadership pipeline as we give young adults numerous opportunities to envision and plan events and participate in meaningful Jewish programs. In any given week, young adults--our "Amitei Ramah"--organize over 20 Ramah events across North America.

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