Although we cannot meet together in person, Ramah Nyack is committed to providing meaningful ways for you and your children to be part of our community this summer. Be on the lookout for a robust schedule of virtual activities in the coming weeks and in the meantime, mark these dates in your calendar:
Tuesday, June 30 at 9:00 AM is the “first day of camp”! We will gather virtually to dance, sing, and reveal the milat hakayitz (word of the summer)!
Special delivery during the last week in June: Yes, every camper will be receiving an edah t-shirt and other camp goodies!
Sha’ar at Home: Sha’ar (Hebrew) Israeli adventures starring our amazing mishlachat each Thursday in July at 3:00 PM.
Bishul at Home: a cooking elective each Tuesday in July at 3:00 PM.
Monday Morning Havdalah: singing and Havdalah with Amichai the Music Guy each Monday in July at 9:30 AM.
Shishi Al HaMigrash: the best dance party of the week each Friday in July at 3:00 PM.
There is no charge for any of these programs.