National Ramah Educational Resources

Bracha B'Ramah - a comprehensive tefillah resource developed by the National Ramah Commission staff for grades 3-11. There are individual units according to age group. 

Daber Hebrew Language Initiative - aims to strengthen Hebrew language usage at camp. Daber Fellows at each camp, including rakazei Ivrit, madrichim, rashei edah, and rashei anaf, have been trained in the methodology of second language acquisition (funded by a grant from The AVI CHAI Foundation)

Hebrew Script Database - includes dozens of scripts developed at Ramah camps over the past six decades. 

Ramah Israel Leadership Initiative (RILI) - aims to advance and reinvigorate Israel education at camp. Units cover topics such as moral dilemmas facing Israeli soldiers, critical evaluations of future Israeli leadership, and various perspectives on Israeli pop culture (funded by a 3-year grant from Legacy Heritage Fund)