The Keshet-Ramah Day Camp Connection

by Kimmie Siegel, Keshet Site Director at Ramah Day Camp

In partnership with Keshet, a Chicago-area program for Jewish children with special needs, Ramah Day Camp hosts an experience for children ages 5-11 with a wide range of disabilities. Campers enroll through Keshet and are fully integrated with Ramah campers with the help of a one-to-one counselor. 

I’ve worked with Keshet for six summers, most recently as the Site Director at Ramah Day Camp. At Ramah, I’ve seen inclusion at its finest. I’ve seen children who struggle all year in school come to camp and enjoy all of the wonderful things that Ramah has to offer.  Campers love activities like rikud (dance), bishul (cookouts), koach l’moach (Jewish “brain power”) and so much more.


The inclusive support that Keshet provides for our campers helps them seamlessly participate in all of these amazing programs. 

The part of my job that I love the most is getting to see the campers smiling and enjoying activities and games alongside the friends that they’ve made at camp. It is rewarding to watch the campers grow from day to day and summer to summer. Our main goal is to make sure that every camper, no matter his or her ability level, has a truly magical summer!